Results for 'A. G. Gregory'

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  1.  53
    Ethics, gratuities, and professionalization of the purchasing function.Gregory B. Turner, G. Stephen Taylor & Mark F. Hartley - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (9):751 - 760.
    This study investigated (1) whether potential future purchasing agents were predisposed to accept gratuities or whether the practice of gratuity acceptance is a manifestation of the job itself, (2) whether the existence of a code of ethics forbidding gratuity acceptance curtails the occurrence, and (3) whether disparities in ethics policies between the sales and purchasing functions affect gratuity acceptance. Hypotheses based upon the concepts of organizational concern and institutionalized ethics are developed and empirically tested. Results suggest that future purchasing agents (...)
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    The Relationship Between Sarbanes–Oxley Policies and Donor Advisories in Nonprofit Organizations.Gregory D. Saxton & Daniel G. Neely - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):333-351.
    This study examines the impact of Sarbanes–Oxley on the nonprofit sector. Focusing on three key SOX policies applicable to charities—conflict-of-interest policies, records retention policies, and whistleblower policies—this study tests the relationship between the existence and addition of these policies on subsequent ethical and governance lapses as reflected in the issuance of “donor advisories” by the large third-party ratings agency Charity Navigator. The findings suggest that, controlling for other relevant organizational factors, the three SOX-inspired written policies are related to a reduced (...)
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    The Open Society and its Enemies in East Asia: The Relevance of the Popperian Framework.Gregory G. C. Moore - 2014 - Routledge.
    The ideas contained in Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies—one of the most important tracts in political philosophy in the twentieth century—are relevant to anyone seeking to understand the recent history of the East Asian economies. Even though Popper wrote his tract to provide an explanation for both the rise and objectionable nature of totalitarian regimes in Europe in the twentieth century, many of the arguments that he advanced in this European context also explain the social, political and (...)
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    Why Are So Many Important Events Unpredictable? Self-Organized Criticality as the 'Engine of History'.Gregory G. Brunk - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 3 (1):25-44.
    The nonlinear dynamical process of self-organized criticality provides a new that explains a number of unresolved anomalies: Why are the really big events in human history usually unpredictable? Why is it impossible to anticipate sudden political, economic, and social changes? Why do distributions of historical data almost always contain a few extreme events that seem to have had a different cause from all the rest? Why do so many of our fail to predict important future events? As people, organizations, and (...)
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    The Rights of Man.Gregory Claeys (ed.) - 1992 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Offering more detailed explanatory notes than earlier versions, this edition reprints together for the first time all of Paine's introductions to the versions published in his lifetime. In his own richly informed Introduction, Claeys elucidates the historical context and the subsequent influence of Paine’s text, as well as the major problems in interpreting Paine’s theory. Instructors will find this new edition a worthy counterpoint to the Hackett edition of Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, edited by J. G. A. (...)
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    An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Pneumonia Mortality.Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, Richard Ambrosino, John Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanon, Richard Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, Geoffrey Gordon, Barbara H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom Mitchell, Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper describes the application of eight statistical and machine-learning methods to derive computer models for predicting mortality of hospital patients with pneumonia from their findings at initial presentation. The eight models were each constructed based on 9847 patient cases and they were each evaluated on 4352 additional cases. The primary evaluation metric was the error in predicted survival as a function of the fraction of patients predicted to survive. This metric is useful in assessing a model’s potential to assist (...)
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  7.  14
    Understanding self‐organized criticality as a statistical process.Gregory G. Brunk - 2000 - Complexity 5 (3):26-33.
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    The Pervasiveness of 1/f Scaling in Speech Reflects the Metastable Basis of Cognition.Christopher T. Kello, Gregory G. Anderson, John G. Holden & Guy C. Van Orden - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1217-1231.
    Human neural and behavioral activities have been reported to exhibit fractal dynamics known as 1/f noise, which is more aptly named 1/f scaling. Some argue that 1/f scaling is a general and pervasive property of the dynamical substrate from which cognitive functions are formed. Others argue that it is an idiosyncratic property of domain‐specific processes. An experiment was conducted to investigate whether 1/f scaling pervades the intrinsic fluctuations of a spoken word. Ten participants each repeated the word bucket over 1,000 (...)
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  9.  33
    Revisiting T. C. Schneirla’s “Interrelationships of the ‘Innate’ and the ‘Acquired’ in Instinctive Behavior” (1956).Gregory M. Kohn - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):84-93.
    During the postwar period, the concept of instinct came to encapsulate the debate around the importance of nature versus nurture. The fact that animals show highly organized behavior early in development suggested the presence of an underlying fixity where behavior was “inbuilt” into an animal’s biology despite an individual’s experiences. This placed a discrete and exhaustive line between the innate and acquired that became a foundation for the European-dominated field of ethology. Across the Atlantic, a group of comparative psychologists led (...)
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  10. The philosophy of Socrates.Gregory Vlastos - 1971 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Introduction: the paradox of Socrates, by G. Vlastos.--Our knowledge of Socrates, by A. R. Lacey.--Socrates in the Clouds, by K. J. Dover.--Elenchus, by R. Robinson.--Elenchus: direct and indirect, by R. Robinson.--Socratic definition, by R. Robinson.--Elenctic definitions, by G. Nakhnikian.--Socrates on the definition of piety: Euthyphro 10A-11B, by S. M. Cohen.--Socrates at work on virtue and knowledge in Plato's Laches, by G. Santas.--Virtues in action, by M. F. Burnyeat.--The Socratic denial of Akrasia, by J. J. Walsh.--Plato's Protagoras and explanations of weakness, (...)
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  11. Relationships among Perceived Organizational Core Values, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Organizational Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Information Technology Professionals.K. Gregory Jin & Ronald G. Drozdenko - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (3):341-359.
    This study is an extension of our recent ethics research in direct marketing and information technology. In this study, we investigated the relationships among core organizational values, organizational ethics, corporate social responsibility, and organizational performance outcome. Our analysis of online survey responses from a sample of IT professionals in the United States indicated that managers from organizations with organic core values reported a higher level of social responsibility relative to managers in organizations with mechanistic values; that managers in both mechanistic (...)
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    Running Repairs: Coordinating Meaning in Dialogue.Patrick G. T. Healey, Gregory J. Mills, Arash Eshghi & Christine Howes - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (2):367-388.
    Healey et al. use experiments with chat dialogues to test the hypothesis that language co‐ordination is driven by ‘running repairs’. They replace signals of understanding such as “okay” with weaker, ‘spoof’ signals like “ummm”, and replace specific requests for clarification like “on the left?” with signals that suggest a higher degree of misunderstanding like “what?”. The latter manipulation causes participants to switch rapidly to more abstract forms of referring expression.
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    Works of Fiction and Illocutionary Acts.Gregory Currie - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):304-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WORKS OF FICTION AND ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS by Gregory Currie ii O peech act theory is remarkably unhelpful in explaining what ficOtion is." So says Kendall Walton.1 My purpose here is to showjust how wrong diis judgment is. Not that I want to endorse all die attempts there have been to connect fiction with the notion of a speech act. Elsewhere I have argued diat the most prominent attempt (...)
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  14. Right Reason and Natural Law in Hobbes’s Ethics.Gregory S. Kavka - 1983 - The Monist 66 (1):120-133.
    For centuries, moral philosophers have attempted to clarify the relationship between morality and rational self-interest. They have been especially interested in the possibility that there are situations in which it is perceptibly against one’s interests to act morally, e.g., situations in which it clearly pays to lie, cheat, or steal. Hobbes, who held an egoistic view of human nature, was especially troubled by this possibility. For if psychological egoism is true and this possibility is a real one, there may be (...)
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  15.  27
    Yablo’s Paradox and Russellian Propositions.Gregory Landini - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (2):127-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 22, 2009 (8:41 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2802\russell 28,2 048red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 28 (winter 2008–09): 127–42 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 YABLO’S PARADOX AND RUSSELLIAN PROPOSITIONS Gregory Landini Philosophy / U. of Iowa Iowa City, ia 52242–1408, usa gregory[email protected] Is self-reference necessary for the production of Liar paradoxes? Yablo has given an argument that self-reference is not (...)
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    The Duty to Be Transparent When Supporting Laws in Public Discourse.Gregory Robson - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (2):337-362.
    Political liberals on the left (e.g., Rawls) and right (e.g., Nozick) have long been concerned with the moral justification of coercive legal structures. I argue that anyone who publicly advocates a new coercive law is under a moral duty to those whom the law might negatively affect. The duty is to say that the law would be impactful and why its impacts (e.g., its coerciveness and welfare effects) are worth having all-things-considered. This is a defeasible duty of transparency and disclosure. (...)
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    An Unconscious Dimension of Thinking, Situations, and La Vida: Reflections on Bethany Henning's Dewey and the Aesthetic Unconscious.Gregory Pappas - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):84-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An Unconscious Dimension of Thinking, Situations, and La Vida:Reflections on Bethany Henning's Dewey and the Aesthetic UnconsciousGregory Pappasthis book is doing different related and valuable things. First, Bethany Henning explores a neglected dimension of Dewey's thought. In particular, the book inquires into the dimension of the unconscious and tries to develop what she considers an "implicit" "theory of the unconsciousness" or of the "aesthetic unconscious" in Dewey's philosophy. Then, (...)
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  18.  13
    Ernst Cassirer and the Autonomy of Language.Gregory S. Moss - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Gregory S. Moss examines the central arguments in Ernst Cassirer’s first volume of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms to show how Cassirer defends language as an autonomous cultural form, and how he borrows the concept of the “concrete universal” from G. W. F. Hegel in order to develop a concept of cultural autonomy.
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  19.  50
    Russell to Frege, 24 May 1903: "I Believe That I Have Discovered That Classes Are Completely Superfluous".Gregory Landini - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (2):160-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSELL TO FREGE, 24 MAY 1903: "I BELIEVE I HAVE DISCOVERED THAT CLASSES ARE ENTIRELY SUPERFLUOUS" GREGORY LANDINI Philosophy / University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242, USA It was his consideration of Cantor's proof that there is no greatest cardinal, Russell recalls in My Philosophical Development, that led in the spring of 1901 to the discovery of the paradox of the class of all classes not members (...)
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  20.  54
    Global Emergency Legal Responses to the 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Public Health and the Law.James G. Hodge, Leila Barraza, Gregory Measer & Asha Agrawal - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (4):595-601.
    From their relative obscurity over the past three decades, varied strains of Ebola disease have emerged as a substantial global biothreat. The current outbreak of Ebola, beginning in March 2014 in Guinea, is projected to infect tens of thousands of people before being brought under control. Some estimate the outbreak could exceed 100,000 cases and extend another 12-18 months. Ebola’s spread has the potential to extend across the globe, but is concentrated in several African countries. Collectively, these countries are home (...)
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  21. Covering Giorgio Agamben's Nudities.Gregory Kirk Murray - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):145-147.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 145-147. Here I accoutred myself in my new habiliments; and, having em- ployed the same precautions as before, retired from my lodging at a time least exposed to observation. It is unnecessary to des- cribe the particulars of my new equipage; suffice it to say, that one of my cares was to discolour my complexion, and give it the dun and sallow hue which is in most instances characteristic of the tribe to which I assumed to belong; (...)
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    The ethics of omission.Gregory Schwartz - 2019 - Think 18 (51):117-121.
    In society, power and responsibility are often linked, supporting the idea that with great power comes great responsibility. I assert that this link between power and responsibility is a form of the Act–Omission Distinction, a principle in ethics that there is a morally relevant distinction between doing something and omitting to do something, e.g. a difference between killing someone and letting someone be killed. As such, using trolleys, elected spider-men, and real-life cases such as R v Stone & Dobinson, I (...)
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  23.  74
    Pragmatism in the Americas.Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.) - 2011 - Fordham University Press.
    The book will prove an invaluable source for philosophers and philosophy students, as well as for scholars from other disciplines (e.g., history, political science, sociology, diversity studies, and gender and race studies) to begin understanding the dynamic relationship in thinking between the two Americas. In addition to documenting the results of a new and thriving area of research, it can also function as a primer to direct and provoke further inquiry. -/- Its essays, from North American, Spanish, and Latin American (...)
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  24. The Limitations and Dangers of Decolonial Philosophies.Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2017 - Radical Philosophy Review 20 (2):265-295.
    In this essay I pay homage to one of the most important but neglected philosophers of liberation in Latin America, Luis Villoro, by considering what possible lessons we can learn from his philosophy about how to approach injustices in the Americas. Villoro was sympathetic to liberatory-leftist philosophies but he became concerned with the direction they took once they grew into philosophical movements centered on shared beliefs or on totalizing theories that presume global explanatory power. These movements became vulnerable to extremes (...)
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    Espoused Values of the “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For”: Essential Themes and Implementation Practices.Peter G. Dominick, Dimitra Iordanoglou, Gregory Prastacos & Richard R. Reilly - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):69-88.
    This study identifies and describes the values espoused by the 62 companies that have consistently appeared on the “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For” list. We identify 24 separate values and offer an analysis of the keywords and phrases used to promote them. We confirm that these values fall within the categories of four well-accepted theoretical frameworks of corporate values and culture. We then provide evidence for three underlying dimensions transcending all four models. They are values that guide relationships (...)
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  26. The effects of cultural dimensions on ethical decision making in marketing: An exploratory study. [REVIEW]Long-Chuan Lu, Gregory M. Rose & Jeffrey G. Blodgett - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (1):91 - 105.
    As more and more firms operate globally, an understanding of the effects of cultural differences on ethical decision making becomes increasingly important for avoiding potential business pitfalls and for designing effective international marketing management programs. Although several articles have addressed this area in general, differences along specific, cultural dimensions have not been directly examined. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine differences in ethical decision making within Hofstede's cultural framework. The results confirm the utility of Hofstede's cultural dimensions (...)
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  27.  28
    Wittgenstein Approached [review of Brian McGuinness, Approaches to Wittgenstein ].Gregory Landini - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):165-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\REVIEWS.252 : 2006-02-27 11:52 eviews WITTGENSTEIN APPROACHED G L Philosophy / U. of Iowa Iowa City,  ,  -@. Brian McGuinness. Approaches to Wittgenstein: Collected Papers. London and New York: Routledge, . Pp. xv, . .. his book is a joy to read. Brian McGuinness is among the foremost Tscholars of Wittgenstein’s life and work. For better than  years, his papers have given (...)
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    An implementation of statistical default logic.Gregory Wheeler & Carlos Damasio - 2004 - In Jose Alferes & Joao Leite, Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2004). Springer.
    Statistical Default Logic (SDL) is an expansion of classical (i.e., Reiter) default logic that allows us to model common inference patterns found in standard inferential statistics, e.g., hypothesis testing and the estimation of a population‘s mean, variance and proportions. This paper presents an embedding of an important subset of SDL theories, called literal statistical default theories, into stable model semantics. The embedding is designed to compute the signature set of literals that uniquely distinguishes each extension on a statistical default theory (...)
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  29. Criterion Setting and the Dynamics of Recognition Memory.Gregory E. Cox & Richard M. Shiffrin - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):135-150.
    Models of recognition memory have traditionally struggled with the puzzle of criterion setting, a problem that is particularly acute in cases in which items for study and test are of widely varying types, with differing degrees of baseline familiarity and experience (e.g., words vs. random dot patterns). We present a dynamic model of the recognition process that addresses the criterion setting problem and produces joint predictions for choice and reaction time. In this model, recognition decisions are based not on the (...)
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  30.  20
    Three Dogmas of Universality.Gregory Moss - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 23:89-93.
    In this essay I argue that the traditional concept of universality entails three dogmas, the validity of which have seldom been called into question. To each of these dogmas correspond to common commitments to the universal in the Western tradition. I argue that the only legitimate answer to the question ‘what is the universal?’ requires abandoning the three dogmas of universality and the entailments that follow from them. Moreover, the question ‘what is the universal?’ requires that we adopt self-reference into (...)
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    Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics.Gregory Currie, Petr Kot̓átko & Martin Pokorny (eds.) - 2012 - College Publications.
    The concept of mimesis has been central to philosophical aesthetics from Aristotle to Kendall Walton: in plain terms, it highlights the links between a fictional world or a representational practice on the one hand and the real world on the other. The present collection of essays includes discussions of its general viability and pertinence and of its historical origins, as well as detailed analyses of various relevant issues regarding literature, film, theatre, images and computer games. The individual papers offer new (...)
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  32. Where’s the Point?: Slavoj Žižek and the Broken Sword.Gregory Fried - 2007 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 1 (4).
    While Žižek is right to assert both that Heidegger’s political engagement must be confronted as a genuine philosophical challenge and that our modern predicament demands new thinking, I argue that Žižek is wrong to claim that Heidegger made the right step in 1933, even if in the wrong direction. Using the same story as Žižek, G. K. Chesterton’s “The Sign of the Broken Sword,” I argue that Žižek’s sword is also broken, because in the absence of a “big Other,” it (...)
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  33. Interpretation, Apperception and Judgment: An Inquiry Into Kant and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Gregory M. Klass - 1999 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    The question of this work is the relationship between cognition and self-knowledge. That question is approached both by way of Kant on apperception and from the perspective of contemporary theories of mind which locate the origin of our cognitive life in interpersonal, interpretive practices, e.g., Sellars, Davidson, Dennett and Brandom. Kant does not integrate the social dimension into his account of cognition. In fact, many of his arguments for the apperception principle are beholden to a picture of mind which precludes (...)
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    Cortical Circuits for Top-down Control of Perceptual Grouping.Maria Kon & Gregory Francis - 2022 - Neural Networks 151:190-210.
    A fundamental characteristic of human visual perception is the ability to group together disparate elements in a scene and treat them as a single unit. The mechanisms by which humans create such groupings remain unknown, but grouping seems to play an important role in a wide variety of visual phenomena, and a good understanding of these mechanisms might provide guidance for how to improve machine vision algorithms. Here, we build on a proposal that some groupings are the result of connections (...)
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  35. Episteme, demonstration, and explanation: A fresh look at Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics.Gregory Salmieri, David Bronstein, David Charles & James G. Lennox - 2014 - Metascience 23 (1):1-35.
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    On central extensions of algebraic groups.Tuna Altinel & Gregory Cherlin - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):68-74.
    In this paper the following theorem is proved regarding groups of finite Morley rank which are perfect central extensions of quasisimple algebraic groups.Theorem1.Let G be a perfect group of finite Morley rank and let C0be a definable central subgroup of G such that G/C0is a universal linear algebraic group over an algebraically closed field; that is G is a perfect central extension of finite Morley rank of a universal linear algebraic group. Then C0= 1.Contrary to an impression which exists in (...)
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    The Associations of Teacher Professional Characteristics, School Environmental Factors, and State Testing Policy on Social Studies Educators’ Instructional Authority.Hyeri Hong & Gregory E. Hamot - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (4):225-241.
    Knowledge of pedagogy and social studies content influences a teacher's decision making and helps teachers conduct sound instructional practices despite the influence of high-stakes testing policies. Using national data from the Survey of the Status of Social Studies (S4), this study examined the associations of teachers’ professional characteristics, school environmental factors, and state testing policy on self-reported levels of authority that secondary level social studies teachers (grades 6–12) hold over key classroom tasks. Through hierarchical multiple regression analysis, key findings from (...)
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    Nature, Not Books.Sally Gregory Kohlstedt - 2005 - Isis 96 (3):324-352.
    ABSTRACT Scientists played a key role in the first systematic introduction of nature study into North American public schools in the late nineteenth century. The initiatives of Wilbur Jackman and John Merle Coulter, affiliated with the young University of Chicago, and Liberty Hyde Bailey and Anna Botsford Comstock, at Cornell University, coincided with the “new education” reform movement that found object lessons and experience‐based education superior to textbook teaching. Educational psychologists and philosophers of the 1890s, including G. Stanley Hall, related (...)
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    Globalisation and Tertiary Education in the Asia-Pacific: The Changing Nature of a Dynamic Market. Edited by Christopher Findlay and William G. Tierney.Gregory P. Fairbrother - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (2):202-204.
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    Using self-affirmation to increase intellectual humility in debate.Paul H. P. Hanel, Deborah Roy, Sam Taylor, Michael Franjieh, Christopher Heffer, Alessandra Tanesini & Gregory R. Maio - manuscript
    Intellectual humility, which entails openness to other views and a willingness to listen and engage with them, is crucial for facilitating civil dialogue and progress in debate between opposing sides. In the present research, we tested whether intellectual humility can be reliably detected in discourse and experimentally increased by a prior self-affirmation task. Three-hundred and three participants took part in 116 audio and video-recorded group discussions. Blind to condition, linguists coded participants’ discourse to create an intellectual humility score. As expected, (...)
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    U.S. Coast Survey vs. Naval Hydrographic Office: A Nineteenth-Century Rivalry in Science and PoliticsThomas G. Manning.Gregory Good - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):537-538.
  42.  24
    Frequency of eyewitness identification in criminal cases: A survey of prosecutors.Alvin G. Goldstein, June E. Chance & Gregory R. Schneller - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):71-74.
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    Assessment of the McCollough effect by a shift in psychometric function.Lorraine G. Allan, Shepard Siegel, Pamela Toppan & Gregory R. Lockhead - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):21-24.
  44.  23
    Reducing Cognitive Load and Improving Warfighter Problem Solving With Intelligent Virtual Assistants.Celso M. de Melo, Kangsoo Kim, Nahal Norouzi, Gerd Bruder & Gregory Welch - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:554706.
    Recent times have seen increasing interest in conversational assistants (e.g., Amazon Alexa) designed to help users in their daily tasks. In military settings, it is critical to design assistants that are, simultaneously, helpful and able to minimize the user’s cognitive load. Here we show that embodiment plays a key role in achieving that goal. We present an experiment where participants engaged in the desert survival task in augmented reality. Participants were paired with a voice assistant, an embodied assistant, or no (...)
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  45. Without Sense or Reference: J. G. Merquior's From Prague to Paris: A Critique of Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Thought. [REVIEW]Gregory Johnson - 1992 - Reason Papers 17:153-160.
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    The Epistatai of the Acropolis - (G.) Marginesu Gli epistati dell'Acropoli. Edilizia sacra nella città di Pericle 447/6–433/2 a.C. (Studi di Archeologia e di Topografia di Atene e dell'Attica 5.) Pp. 215, ills, map. Athens / Paestum: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene / Pandemos, 2010. Cased, €55. ISBN: 978-88-87744-36-1. [REVIEW]Gregory Bonnin - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):551-552.
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    Population Density and Moment-based Approaches to Modeling Domain Calcium-mediated Inactivation of L-type Calcium Channels.Xiao Wang, Kiah Hardcastle, Seth H. Weinberg & Gregory D. Smith - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):11-32.
    We present a population density and moment-based description of the stochastic dynamics of domain $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ -mediated inactivation of L-type $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ channels. Our approach accounts for the effect of heterogeneity of local $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ signals on whole cell $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ currents; however, in contrast with prior work, e.g., Sherman et al. :985–995, 1990), we do not assume that $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ domain formation and collapse are fast compared to channel gating. We demonstrate the population density and moment-based modeling approaches using a 12-state Markov chain model (...)
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  48.  66
    Gregory’s Sixth Operation.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Tahl Nowik, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (1):133-144.
    In relation to a thesis put forward by Marx Wartofsky, we seek to show that a historiography of mathematics requires an analysis of the ontology of the part of mathematics under scrutiny. Following Ian Hacking, we point out that in the history of mathematics the amount of contingency is larger than is usually thought. As a case study, we analyze the historians’ approach to interpreting James Gregory’s expression ultimate terms in his paper attempting to prove the irrationality of \. (...)
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  49. The philosophy of Socrates: a collection of critical essays.Gregory Vlastos - 1980 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Vlastos, G. Introduction: the paradox of Socrates.--Lacey, A. R. Our knowledge of Socrates.--Dover, K. J. Socrates in the Clouds.--Robinson, R. Elenchus.--Robinson, R. Elenchus, direct and indirect.--Robinson, R. Socratic definition.--Nakhnikian, G. Elenctic definitions.--Cohen, S. M. Socrates on the definition of piety: Euthyphro 10A-11B.--Santas, G. Socrates at work on virtue and knowledge in Plato's Laches.--Burnyeat, M. F. Virtues in action.--Walsh, J. J. The Socratic denial of Akrasia.--Santas, G. Plato's Protagoras and explanations of weakness.--Woozley, A. D. Socrates on disobeying the law.--Allen, R. E. (...)
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    A Discussion on Instinct, Paris, 1954.Gregory M. Kohn - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):137-149.
    The publication of Daniel Lehrman’s 1953 paper, “A Critique of Konrad Lorenz’s Theory of Instinctive Behavior,” (_The Quarterly Review of Biology_ 28(4):337–363) exposed a gulf between comparative psychologists and ethologists regarding the concept of instincts. At the center of this debate was a rivalry between T. C. Schneirla—Lehrman’s doctoral advisor—and Konrad Lorenz. While Schneirla maintained that the concept of innate instincts mischaracterized developmental processes, Lorenz maintained that innateness was essential to understand the evolution of behavior. A year after the publication (...)
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